:: LimeBlog ::

its all here... and its all lime... i'm the blogger, i'm going blogging...

| limeArchive |


[Remember I suck as a writer, but I also believe that shouldn't stop anyone from writing... hmm, well at least on a blog]

[Also remember other factors when I'm writing a blog :: mood, hunger, horniness, sleeplessness, distractions, lapse of time, dizziness, oxygen levels, external and internal temperatures, telephone calls, IMs, bathroom breaks and maybe one other I have missed from this list]

Thank you!


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Saturday, May 28, 2005
  New Blog

No new blogs are being posted here anymore! Please go to http://www.lgt2.com/limeblogbeta

I know it says beta, but it's not really... just a big lie... all lies... but not the blogs of course :)


P.S. Blogger.com is great service, I just wanted to move to something more customizable for my fancy needs!

posted by vectorlime 4:24:00 PM
Friday, May 27, 2005
  LimeBlog's Future

As I said before, I was first to the blogging revolution, then fell asleep for a few years and now I'm back. But, blogging alone is so 2002 now, so I still have to move forward! Coming soon a whole new LimeBlog will flower with RSS feeds and audio and video Podcasts! So then you will be able to take me wherever you go on your iPod :) Ok, so that was a bad selling point, but I'm excited to punch things up a few notches and over due things that I tend to always do!

Stay tuned rocket head!


posted by vectorlime 4:59:00 PM
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
  The time has arrived... bloop bleep bloop

For some people, this week has been a week anticipated for over 5 years in the making. How many people, you ask? Well, just a few 100 million. Who are these people? Simply enough, all the video gamers in the world who pay attention to the gaming industry. So if you are not a video gamer crazed peep, then let me fill you in... this week is E3, the earth summit for video gamers. More importantly, this year's E3 debuted the next generation video game systems that we will be hearing about and seeing in the beginning of 2006. As known the big players in this decade are Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. New next generation systems usually come out around every 5-6 years, so there have been a lot of people waiting for this moment. The moment has now come and gone and speculation and patience is only next until the actual release of these new systems. But, as we have learned over the years, it's hard to get a system when actually released, so you may be waiting an additional few months before getting these into your home.

So, what was introduced? First, the Xbox360, which was announced on MTV last week. This announcement was hard to watch as all of the Microsoft geeks read a book on how to be cool and tried their best to be just that. They failed. But, still the hardware is there, so I'll try to focus on that, thought it was an incredible turn off for me on Microsoft's try to be hip, whatever that means. (For people who know me, it takes a lot for me to give Microsoft a penny). Second, the Playstation 3 was introduced at E3. The system, the guts, blow away everything. Period. Finally, today the Nintendo Revolution was introduced. The Revolution doesn't seem to touch the other two systems in power, but will definitely hold a interesting key in the gaming industry, which I'm truly partials too… memorabilia.

That all being said, here are my rants and raves on these three systems given what we know today and after watching the three press conferences that are available online for us lucky people!

Xbox 360 :: Though Microsoft makes my spine hurt and I have successfully lived without purchasing the Xbox 1, I have to say that there is enough candy and goodies in the 360 that I will own this system when it is released. Graphics, gameplay and the full multimedia experience (view/play photos, videos, music, community, ecommerce) are all there as expected now days. But, the #1 reason why I will buy this system is that it will have Halo 3, which I'm sure I can't live without! I like the design of the box, but I know that the design didn't come naturally from them, they just looked at the iPod and said
"that's hip, copy it". So, as you can see, I will remain bent towards Xbox 360, but that doesn't mean that I will boycott it (which, I'm also good at doing on things I don't like http://www.idontlikethat.com)

Playstation 3 :: This is the only system of the three that I actually said "WOW" out loud... so it must be good :) The specs on this thing are so amazing, I'm not going to begin to explain them all (do your own research on the web, lazy butt). I am so wowed by this system, I thought they were showing me the Playstation 4 which will come out in 2012 (just kidding, like I would know that). They also had by far the best conference. They pooled their money into the system rather then the hype of the stage presents. Of course, the PS3 also has the full multimedia experience that the Xbox 360 has... there is definitely a war between the two systems in how much crap they sell on their systems. Personally, I'm not that interested in buying a MP3 on my gaming console. There is so much more to say about this system, but I'm going to stop here for now.

Nintendo Revolution :: There is a place in everyone's hearts for Nintendo. They were there for us when my generation was growing up. We know Mario like we know Ronald McDonald. That being said, Revolution is playing right on that. The system specs are still not exactly released, but so far sound like they won't be able to touch either Xbox 360 or PS3, but what Revolution does have the the rest does not... 20 years worth of video games on one system. You will be able to download and play video games for the NES, SNES, NES64 and play GameCube discs. For us 20 and 30 somethings, that is very special. If Nintendo never releases a gaming system after this one, this system will still be in our homes for decades to come just on memory sake alone. They also continue to come up with the most user friendly and unique gaming experiences out there. So, yes, I do plan to buy this system too... just to play NES's Master Blaster :)

Now, I'm trying to be brief as possible because this is supposed to be a quick blog entry (not), but it is important for me to get my feelings out on this subject. Video game technology is fun and more fun to simply keep up with. I don't play a lot of games but I love keeping up with the graphics and technology that spawns from the video game industry. I will and always will say that the TurboGrafx-16 is my favorite system of all time. However, I plan to own all 3 of these new systems, so I instantly don't have to worry about which is better and get into all of those arguments. But, I have to say on an excitement level, the PS3 looks like will by my favorite system. I will know in a year from now hopefully, so nothing is in stone yet! I remember vividly fantasizing how video games should be back in 1990... today, with the announcements of these new systems, my imagination has finally failed me in what all could be possible. This is a truly exciting time for any one with a sense of adventure and imagination!


posted by vectorlime 3:21:00 PM
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
  Wicked week!

I just got back from seeing, hands down, the best musical that I have ever seen, Wicked. I had to blog about it, because if you 'might' have heard about it or hear about it ever day and still don't have tickets to see it in either New York City or Chicago (where I am at), then you are an idiot. So, now that I have insulted you, go prove me wrong and see the show today! We all know the story of the Wizard of Oz as a kid, and then knew of it again when playing it against the Pink Floyd album, so now it is time to visit it again, in a different light, before Dorthy's house came crashing down. I won't ruin the story by retelling it here, but all I can compare it to is if we found out the Santa Clause was actually a bad guy after all of these years. Enough said about that!

However, before seeing this 2 hour and 45 minute masterpiece, I received some horribly disturbing news. As I dined at a well known, high class establishment, I saw a sign as I placed my order for a Mexican pizza and Meximelt. 'This establishment will be closed after today, our lease was not renewed'. Yes, that is right, as I ate my favorite delicacy from the south, I learned that the Taco Bell/KFC in one restaurant was closing after today. I shed a tear as Chicago is losing another Taco Bell. What is a guy with such high tastes in standards going to do? Luckily, I still have two other locations that I can go to, but there will always be a place in my heart for the Taco Bell/KFC, all in one, restaurant on Lake Street here in Chicago.

Okay, I'm over that now. I did save a hot sauce packet for memory sake. Never mind, I just used it on a Ritz cracker. Yum!

Experience Wicked, save Taco Bell.


posted by vectorlime 12:48:00 AM
Saturday, April 23, 2005
  Lazy Town

A few mornings ago, I woke up to the television still set on Nick-At-Nite from the night before, but now it was Nick Jr. I was quickly in horror when waking up to a show that I never knew existed. After watching it for a few minutes my horror turned into bizarre interest. After a few commercial breaks, I soon realized what I was watching was a show for young kids called Lazy Town. Ever since then, I couldn't get it out of my head and make a point to watch further episodes. The characters are split up between human and oversized dolls basically. The humans have plastic hair and the guys have amazingly carved bodies. After doing some research online, I see that the male leads are past athletic types, hence their perfect bodies. The show is both disturbing, yet interesting at the same time. I don't know how else to describe it. However, I see that the show is from Iceland... and well, so is Bjork... so now it kind of all makes sense! Anyway, it's just something you have to check out yourself to see. Check your local listings!


posted by vectorlime 11:21:00 AM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
  A week off

Back in Chicago and ready to get back to work! *sigh* no, seriously I love my work. But, I did have a wonderful vacation visiting family, friends and Bea Arthur! Being that I was traveling alone because Matt had to work, I decided to make my trip a little more interesting. I decided to take the Amtrak train from Chicago to Kalamazoo, Michigan and then rent a car from Kalamazoo and drive around Michigan. I hate driving in the first place and x10 in and out of Chicago. This ended up being a wise choice, for I just sat and relaxed while I didn’t have to mess with any traffic. I plan to do this every time that I drive alone. It was the kicks. Barely cost anything also, so why not right!

After I left Kalamazoo, I visited my aunt and uncle in Grand Rapids. They got a new dog after their last one died last year. They had that one 17 years, so as you can imagine, getting a new dog is a big event. They ended up with a Cocker Spaniel just as Matthew and I have, so that was a treat meeting him. It, of course, was also a treat seeing my aunt and uncle as well!!

After having lunch with them, I then drove up to my hometown, Petoskey. I spent four delightful days with my dad, 95 year old grandmother and many other family members including my brother who brought his family up, a cousin that I don't get to see often and other aunt of mine. So, as always, had a wonderful time hanging out with all of them sharing stories back and forth. Never can get enough of that, even when stories are repeated a few times over! The last remaining days I spent with my dad who drove me around the town to see how much as changed which also was a lot of fun and troubling at the same time. My small town is no longer a small town at all!

Soon it was time to say goodbye to a all to fast visit with my family and head down to my college town, Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Once there I met up with a old college friend that I haven't seen in years, Paula, who lives in a nearby town. Before we headed off to the casino to see Bea Arthur's performance, we spent a couple hours catching up while walking around the campus of Central Michigan University. I was extremely nostalgic with my first dorm room that I stayed at, however the building complex has grown twice its size sense I attended. We even went up to my original dorm room, after first going to the wrong floor. Brought back a lot of memories, but was quickly satisfied in seeing the campus and seeing the places where I used to live and/or hang out at. Not something I would want to do for another 10 years, but enjoyed it at the time!

It was then time to go to see Mrs. Arthur! The show was fabulous as usual and the turn out was even better! This was an experience in itself, so I have wrote about that on my Bea Arthur fan web site and should be posted to the Bea web site soon! In short though, I got to meet Bea and surprisingly enough meet a lot of Bea fans and fans of the web site. I'm not sure what part I was more exciting, but they were both a humbling experience to say the least!

Afterwards, another good college friend, Carlin, and Paula's husband joined us and went to dinner. We all headed over to where Carlin's husband works where I got to meet him. A couple house tours later my adventures where coming to a close. The next day I left Paula's house and drove back down to Kalamazoo where I re-boarded the train back to Chicago. I'm on the train right now writing this where I will copy and paste this into my blog at a later point. What a great way to spend two hours on the train reminiscing about how wonderful it is to have family and friends. Now, I get to go back to my life as we know it, in Chicago, where I have more family and friends to be around. Today is Matthew's birthday so I still have that to look forward to when I get back in a hour!

Life is good and that is why I blogged about it today. Got to get it when the gettin's good!

posted by vectorlime 10:47:00 PM
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
  Another shot of Mac in the arm... mmmm!

Some people need caffeine, sugar or heroin to get a high... all I need these days is news that Apple is releasing something soon! This morning I woke up to the news that the new operating system 'Tiger' is being released April 29th! Hurray! I thought it wouldn't be until June, so I'm a happy Mac'er :)

Also, a week from today, I will be seeing Bea! Me even happier!

That's all for today!


posted by vectorlime 1:01:00 PM